Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 135!

Welcome back from Spring Break! Wahoo! Only 10 weeks left of school!

Remember, your revised Character Sketches are due today! If you already submitted them before break, you do not need to do so again. Be sure though, that you have highlighted your changes by typing additional information in a new color of font, and adding the strikethrough effect to anything you decided to delete. If you did not already do so, please submit your revised sketch using the form below.

Once you have finished with that, we will begin work on our next stories! These stories, as you should know by now will star the character you have created. It should also be told in their voice (remember we practiced creating voice before break), so your story should be written in 1st person!

Before you begin writing, you will need to complete a pre-writing activity. You may use the standard Brainstorming Map, OR you may create your own version of prewriting. This pre-writing activity, however, should answer all of the questions that are on the map.