Happy Wednesday!
Today, we are going to start by talking about your journal entries from yesterday--the ones meant to introduce me to you as writers. You guys had some awesome insights about your own writing, and you set some pretty great goals for yourselves.
We'll talk for a little bit about the writing prompts that I gave you yesterday; we'll talk about what you struggled with and what went well.
Then, I want to have a pretty basic conversation. I will pose a question to you, then give you a couple of minutes to reflect on it, type it out, share your ideas with a partner, then share your ideas with the class.
With whatever time is remaining, we'll take another crack at what we started yesterday. If you finished your prompt, and you feel that is the best thing EVER written on the face of the planet and in the entire universe, I want you to try another one! The only way to get better at creative writing is to make writing a part of your every day lives. Don't be afraid to scratch your initial writing and start all over--that's the beauty of writing!