Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 110!

Welcome back! It's been almost a week since we've seen each other! Thanks, snow...

Okay, so by today you should have finished your first story! So, what we are going to do is move on to our first workshop experience! This is how this will work:

  1. We will take 3 volunteers who would like to share their stories with the class (if no volunteers...we'll pick victims. Remember: each of you will submit at least one story to be workshopped by the class before we move out of short stories! )
  2. The 3 workshop authors will share their stories with the class; the WHOLE class. 
  3. Each workshopper will fill out a Peer Editing Form for each story (if you're one of the authors, you will edit all but yours)
  4. You will have the entire class period to work on these stories. Tomorrow, we will host our first writer's workshop!